1-Zimmer-Wohnung mieten in Darmstadt

Top Premium Neu 1,5 Zimmer-Wohnung im beliebten Martinsviertel
740,00 €
1,5 Zi.
48 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
Pallaswiesenstr. 8, 64289 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung, Erdgeschoss
Es handelt sich um eine 1,5 Zimmer-Wohnung im beliebten Martinsviertel, nahe dem Herrngarten. Die Immobilie ist außerdem barrierefrei zugängig.
Top Premium Neu 1-Zi-Wohnung, Darmstadt City, nähe Gericht
580,00 €
1 Zi.
23 m2
64283 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung, Etagenwohnung
Beschreibung: Wer möchte in Darmstadts City - 3 Minuten vom Luisenplatz/Martinsviertel/Johannisviertel - in dieser hellen, ruhigen, modernen und gepflegten 1-Zimmerwohnung wohnen, die zu einem neueren Innenstadtgebäude (nähe Gericht) gehört. Die
Wohnung ist neu renoviert und mit neuem Eiche Vinylboden ausgestattet. Zur Wohnung gehört ein Balkon mit Holzbelag. Die Wohnung enthält eine kleine Einbauküche mit 2 Kochplatten. Die Wohnung ist teilmöbiliert mit Kleiderschrank und Badmöbeln. Zur Wohnung gehört ein abgeschlossener Kellerraum. Im Kellergeschoss steht ein Waschraum mit Waschmaschinen/Trockner zur Verfügung. Lage: Darmstadt City, nähe Luisenplatz, neues Gerichtsgebäude Raumaufteilung: S. Plan Mieter/Nichtraucher, Sonstiges: Die Wohnung wird nur an EINE (1) Person, NICHTraucher vermietet. Bitte nur Mieter, die Ihren Lebensunterhalt und ihre Miete auch selbst erwirtschaften bzw. eine hinreichende Rente beziehen. Bei Interesse bitten wir um Info
Top Premium Furnitured Apartm. incl. Garage&Storeroom&250MBit DSL. Best location-REWE, Hospital, UNESCO Heritage
Preis auf Anfrage
1 Zi.
44 m2
64283 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Objektbeschreibung: Enjoy a unique feeling of freedom through the very large window wall and the view of the most modern buildings. This bright and well-maintained 1-bedroom apartment on the second floor is available for immediate occupancy. The
1-bedroom apartment is fully furnished and the fitted kitchen is fully equipped. The large bright windows provide plenty of light and brightness. The apartment on the second floor is also accessible by elevator. Across the street is the Alice Hospital. Behind the hospital is the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Mathildenhöhe" and the Wedding Tower. Lagebeschreibung: The property is located in a busy and very central residential area in Darmstadt. Within walking distance there are several bus lines and train lines, which you can reach in a few minutes. In front of the front door is the bus stop H-Bus. Only a few steps away, is the delicious bakery Bormuth and a Rewe market. In the immediate vicinity you will find a few restaurants such a
Top Premium in der Stadt und doch im Grünen
Quelle: www.immowelt.de
780,00 €
1 Zi.
65 m2
64289 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Objektbeschreibung: Über einen getrennten Eingang gelangt man von der Straße, durch den zum Appartment gehörenden freundlichen Terrassenhof über mehrere Stufen zur Wohnung/ Appartment. Sie besteht aus einem sehr großzügigen hellen Raum mit
großer Fensterwand, mit Küchenzeile, (mit Elektorgeräten), über ein paar Stufen tiefer gelegenen Wohnbereich und Schlafbereich. Sie wurde vor wenigen Jahren umfangreich saniert und renoviert. Durch den Schlafbereich erreicht man das moderne Duschbad mit Waschmaschinenanschluss. Lagebeschreibung: Direkt an der Fasanerie gelegen in sehr ruhiger Lage und doch mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln, Rad oder Auto in wenigen Minuten im Stadtzentrum. Einkaufmöglichkeiten alle vor Ort. Öffentliche Stellplätze für Auto ausreichend vorhanden. Besichtigungstermine: nach Vereinbarung
Top Premium THE FIZZ Darmstadt: Vollmöbliertes Apartment für Studierende in Uninähe
855,00 €
1 Zi.
19 m2
64295 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
STUDENT HOUSING. JUST BETTER.: ***THE FIZZ bekommt ein Upgrade - Auf unserer Website findest du alle Updates und Einblicke in unsere neu renovierten Gemeinschaftsräume und Apartments!*** Willkommen im THE FIZZ Darmstadt! Finde dein zweites Zuhause
in Deutschlands zukunftsorientiertester Stadt! Bei uns erwartet dich ein Komplettpaket, welches deine Studentenzeit unvergesslich macht: • All-in Preis (inkl. Strom-, Heiz- und Wasserkosten sowie Internet) • House Manager • Paketannahme während der Öffnungszeiten an der Rezeption • Kostenloser Verleih von Haushaltsgeräten (Staubsauger, Bügeleisen, u.v.m.) • Regelmäßige Events und Aktivitäten • Gemeinschaftsräume: Movie Lounge, Lernräume, Dachterrasse, Innenhof, Gemeinschaftsküche, Gaming Area, Rezeption, Wasch- und Trockenräume • Fahrradkeller: Parke dein Rad sicher im abschließbaren Fahrradkeller • Tiefgarage: Auch dein Auto steht sicher in unserer Tiefgarage. (gegen Gebühr) • Exklusive Partner Deals: spare auch außerhalb von THE FIZZ an aus
Top Premium möbliertes 1 Zimmer- Innenstadt Apartment in Darmstadt
945,00 €
1 Zi.
29,52 m2
64283 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
möblierte Innenstadtwohnungen: Inmitten der Darmstädter Innenstadt wurde das ehemalige Modehaus Römer, zu einem modernen und energieeffizienten Wohn- und Geschäftshaus umgebaut. Die Räumlichkeiten wurden mit einem Fokus auf Funktionalität,
Komfort und Zugänglichkeit gestaltet, um den individuellen Bedürfnissen verschiedener Branchen gerecht zu werden. Im Dachgeschoss finden Sie Wohnungen und City Apartments, die mit zeitgemäßem Komfort und Stil ausgestattet sind. Genießen Sie das städtische Leben in einer der begehrtesten Wohnlagen der Stadt, während Sie gleichzeitig von den Annehmlichkeiten und der Infrastruktur eines modernen Wohnkomplexes profitieren. Lagebeschreibung: Direkt in der Darmstädter Innenstadt liegt diese bezaubernde Wohnung, umgeben von einem reichen Angebot an Restaurants, Geschäften und kulturellen Attraktionen. Die Lage bietet nicht nur eine unvergleichliche Bequemlichkeit, sondern auch eine lebendige Atmosphäre. Weiterhin ist sie bestens an den öffentli
Top Premium Unterkunft im Rhein-Main Gebiet - DARMSTADT
95,00 €
1 Zi.
45 m2
64291 Darmstadt / Wixhausen
Immobilientyp: Wohnung, Zimmer
*** mehrere Objekte verfügbar, bitte anfragen *** Update aufgrund mehrfacher Nachfrage: +++ Unsere Preise variieren je nach Objekt, Ausstattung und Mietdauer. Bitte fragen Sie konkret an, dann erstellen wir Ihnen entweder in individuelles Angebot
oder schicken Ihnen unsere Preistaffelung zu. +++ Die Unterkunft befindet sich in ruhiger Lage. Stellplatzmiete möglich. Mehrere kostenlose Parkplätze sind unmittelbar an der Straße vorhanden. • Einzelbetten • Highspeed LAN / WLAN kostenlos / inkl. • Smart TV • Waschmaschine • Trockner oder Wäschespinne • Küchenzeile mit Backofen / Kochplatten • Kühlschrank • Geschirr, Kochutensilien (falls gewünscht, bitte vorher Bedarf mitteilen!) • Schränke / Tische / Stühle Verkehrsgünstig gelegen : • Autobahn A5 / A661 in ca. 5 Min. • Autobahn A3 / A67 in ca. 10-15 Min. • Darmstadt City ca. 10 Min. / Frankfurt ca. 25 Min. • Mainz / Wiesbaden ca. 35 Min. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten in nur ca. 500 Metern Entfernung. Beschreibung Die Unterkunft hat ca. 4
Top Premium Nice, cute studio in Darmstadt city center
850,00 €
1 Zi.
36 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64283 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: Very comfortable apartment German: Sehr komfortable Wohnung
Top Premium Design-Serviced-Apartment in Darmstadt
1.590,00 €
1 Zi.
27 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64295 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: CREATIVE-CLEVER SPACE WONDER: PERFECT FOR LONG-STAY BUSINESS AND TRADE SHOW GUESTS. Category S MORE SPACE, EVEN FOR TWO! The Smart ipartment has everything you want for a long and comfortable stay. It is fully equipped and cleverly divided.
Designer kitchen, 160-cm bed, lounge and work zone included. You work from home and need a fully equipped workplace? No problem with our cooperation partner SleevesUp! Every guest receives the exclusive opportunity to use a workstation in the in-house CoWorking area of SleevesUp! for 3 days free of charge when booking at our location and then benefit from favorable discounts. Additionally, there is the possibility to test the modern conference room for meetings or business appointments for 2 hours for free. Within walking distance of the main train station, you will live under one roof with people who appreciate the excellent connections to local and long-distance transport, the highway network and the proximity to the Frankfurt Internation
Top Premium Design serviced apartment in the center of Darmstadt
1.390,00 €
1 Zi.
19 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64295 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: COMPACT BUT FULLY EQUIPPED: IDEAL FOR THOSE WHO TRAVEL ALONE. SMALL BUT MIGHTY! The Xtra Smart apartment offers you all the important features for a comfortable stay. It is ideal for solo travelers who appreciate the best value for money.
Custom-made designer kitchen, 140-cm double bed, working area and lounge chair are skillfully integrated. You work from home and need a fully equipped workplace? No problem with our cooperation partner SleevesUp! Every guest receives the exclusive opportunity to use a workstation in the in-house CoWorking area of SleevesUp! for 3 days free of charge when booking at the Darmstadt location and then benefit from favorable discounts. Additionally, there is the possibility to test the modern conference room for meetings or business appointments for 2 hours for free. Within walking distance of the main train station, you will live under one roof with people who appreciate the excellent connections to local and long-distance transport, the highway n
Top Premium Business double room
Quelle: rentola.de
1.450,00 €
1 Zi.
54 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64347 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
The aparthotel is located on the outskirts of Griesheim in the direction of Darmstadt and has good highway connections.Griesheim center: 1 km Motorway: 1 kmDarmstadt city center: 5 km Train station: 5 kmFrankfurt Trade Fair: 35 km Frankfurt Airport:
30 kmGriesheim is an ideal location if you want to explore the Rhine-Main area or the Rhine-Neckar region: Frankfurt, Wiesbaden, Mainz, Mannheim and Heidelberg are all within easy reach. With around 28,000 inhabitants, Griesheim is the smaller neighboring town to the larger science city of Darmstadt with around inhabitants. Griesheim has a high recreational value, as the Odenwald and the Bergstrasse are practically on the hotel's doorstep.
Top Premium Design Serviced Apartment in Darmstadt City Center
1.590,00 €
1 Zi.
27 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64295 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Within walking distance of the main train station, you will live under one roof with people who appreciate the excellent connections to local and long-distance transport, the highway network and the proximity to the Frankfurt International Airport
just as much as you do. You will not only have the opportunity to exchange ideas in the bright hall on the ground floor, where the reception and Vitra lobby are located, but also at a lofty height: the roof-top terrace, which invites you to linger in a sheltered environment - and also to take part in events from time to time. For example, to the vernissages of the young artists who exhibit their works in our building.
Top Premium Design Serviced Apartment in Darmstadt, Zentrum
1.890,00 €
1 Zi.
38 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64295 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Within walking distance of the main train station, you will live under one roof with people who appreciate the excellent connections to local and long-distance transport, the highway network and the proximity to the Rhine-Main International Airport
just as much as you do. You will not only have the opportunity to exchange ideas in the bright hall on the ground floor, where the reception and Vitra lobby are located, but also at a lofty height: on the roof there is a green terrace, which invites you to linger in a sheltered environment - and also to take part in events from time to time. For example, to the vernissages of the young artists who exhibit their works in our building.
Top Premium Design Serviced Apartment in Darmstadt City Center
1.990,00 €
1 Zi.
45 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64295 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Within walking distance of the main train station, you will live under one roof with people who appreciate the excellent connections to local and long-distance transport, the highway network and the proximity to the Rhine-Main International Airport
just as much as you do. You will not only have the opportunity to exchange ideas in the bright hall on the ground floor, where the reception and Vitra lobby are located, but also at a lofty height: on the roof there is a green terrace, which invites you to linger in a sheltered environment - and also to take part in events from time to time. For example, to the vernissages of the young artists who exhibit their works in our building.
Top Premium Design Serviced Apartment in Darmstadt City Center
1.390,00 €
1 Zi.
20 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64295 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
Within walking distance of the main train station, you will live under one roof with people who appreciate the excellent connections to local and long-distance transport, the highway network and the proximity to the Frankfurt International Airport
just as much as you do. You will not only have the opportunity to exchange ideas in the bright hall on the ground floor, where the reception and Vitra lobby are located, but also at a lofty height: the roof-top terrace, which invites you to linger in a sheltered environment - and also to take part in events from time to time. For example, to the vernissages of the young artists who exhibit their works in our building.
Top Premium New and modern apartment with parking space in a convenient location
1.100,00 €
1 Zi.
22 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64297 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: The apartment is fully equipped and features a new Häcker kitchen (refrigerator with freezer compartment, dishwasher, ceramic hob, extractor hood), household appliances (kettle, microwave, toaster, coffee machines, vacuum cleaner, iron,
etc.), and dishes, cutlery, pots and pans, and related kitchen utensils. The manually adjustable table (crank handle) serves as a dining or working table, and ample storage space for clothes, bags, and other private things. The bed (brand: Swiss Sense) is 140 cm wide, has a four-season duvet (155 cm wide), and the pillows are 80x80 and 40x80. A weighted blanket is available. Towels and bed linen can be provided if needed and if desired, changed on a regular basis (as needed) for 10€/time. Basic household items are provided upon moving in, but must be purchased by the tenant thereafter. Routine cleaning of the apartment is the tenant's responsibility. The final cleaning costs 20€. A laundry room with a washer/dryer and a bicycle storage area are
Top Premium Bright & beautiful loft with own sauna in Darmstadt
1.400,00 €
1 Zi.
75 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64291 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: The newly renovated and refurnished loft has a bright entrance area with seating. On the right the first bathroom with toilet & sink. In the second bathroom is the shower and a washing machine. The spacious living & sleeping area is equipped
with a bed, a closet, a table with 4 chairs and a TV. To move in is still ready furnished with a couch, and another wardrobe. The large window is still provided with frosted glass film and serves only the light incidence. No exit to terrace or similar. The absolute highlight of this apartment is the large sauna, which offers plenty of space to relax. Here you have your own wellness oasis! The fully equipped kitchen has a kitchen block that offers plenty of storage space. There is a ceramic hob, oven, dishwasher, refrigerator with freezer, built-in sink, mini oven for bread rolls and a coffee maker. The storage room offers plenty of space. The glass is still provided with a window film so that you can not see the contents. In addition, ther
Top Premium Beautiful home in Darmstadt
1.540,00 €
1 Zi.
27 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64289 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: These are 5 equivalent apartments, the allocation is subject to availability. There is either a double bed or two single beds in the room. Our accommodation is comfortable, modern and central. The holiday accommodation is 380 square meters
and can accommodate up to 24 people in 11 different apartments. Each apartment has a separate locked room and its own bathroom. The apartments are fully equipped. There is also a safe in each apartment. In the accommodation, there is the possibility to do your laundry and to dry it. Of course, we also have secured parking spaces directly on the premises. However, these are subject to a fee and must be reserved. If you arrive by bicycle, we have a special parking space for this purpose. 24H Check-In per Smartphone possible. German: Es handelt sich hierbei um 5 gleichwertige Apartments, die Vergabe erfolgt je nach Verfügbarkeit. Es sind entweder ein Doppelbett oder zwei Einzelbetten im Zimmer vorhanden. Unsere Unterkunft ist behaglich, neumodi
Top Premium Fully furnished, modern apartment in a central location, including parking space and high-speed internet.
1.490,00 €
1 Zi.
44 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64295 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: This offer is ideal for expats, commuters, career starters, interns, students, and trainees seeking a fully furnished apartment for temporary rent. This high-quality apartment, currently being renovated, will be ready for occupancy on August
1st. The attached pictures provide an impression of the planned modern and stylish furnishings. All utility costs are included in the rental price. Additional expenses, such as electricity, heating, parking, and internet, are covered. The bright, fully furnished apartment provides modern comfort and high quality amenities. The spacious kitchen is fully equipped with upper and lower cabinets offering ample storage space. A separate sleeping and working area ensures peace and concentration, while a generous and sunny balcony or a modern bathroom with a bathtub invites relaxation. Additionally, a communal rooftop terrace with a panoramic view is available. The spacious walk-in closet offers plenty of room for your clothes. You can safely park
Top Premium Modern Apartm. incl. Garage & storeroom & 250MBit Internet in best location -REWE, Hospital, UNESCO World Heritage
1.590,00 €
1 Zi.
45 m2
Kaltmiete, zzgl. NK
64287 Darmstadt
Immobilientyp: Wohnung
English: Enjoy a unique feeling of freedom through the very large window wall and the view of the most modern buildings. This bright and well-maintained 1-bedroom apartment on the second floor is available for immediate occupancy. The 1-bedroom
apartment is fully furnished and the fitted kitchen is fully equipped. The large bright windows provide plenty of light and brightness. The apartment on the second floor is also accessible by elevator. Across the street is the Alice Hospital. Behind the hospital is the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Mathildenhöhe" and the Wedding Tower. The 1-room apartment is fully furnished and equipped with a fitted kitchen and a bathroom with a bathtub. In the kitchen there is a stove, an oven, a dishwasher, a coffee maker as well as a microwave and other small household appliances for daily use. The room itself is equipped with a corner sofa bed, a desk with a desk chair, as well as a living wall with a flat-screen TV. Also, in the room you will find 3 wardrob